Emotional Bonding & Its Impact on Health – Evergreen Senior Living


Emotional Bonding & Its Impact on Health

Emotional bonding has a direct impact on health and well-being for people of all ages. Some benefits include mood-boosting, memory formation, happiness, and longevity.

People who are missing a strong connection to others can experience emotional and sometimes physical pain. Since emotional pain can send the same stress response in the body as physical pain, people experiencing loneliness are vulnerable to chronic inflammation and a weakened immune system. Other mental ailments like anxiety and depression can be exacerbated by social isolation and feeling lonel

It is important to pursue meaningful activities that build a connection with others. Some examples include:

  • Joining a club
  • Taking a fitness class
  • Playing cards or dominos with friends
  • Introducing yourself to your neighbors
  • Visiting a museum
  • Sharing a meal
  • Starting a new hobby

When socialization becomes a daily habit, people tend to experience an increased level of the happiness hormone dopamine. This chemical in the brain can reduce stress and blood pressure while promoting a stronger immune system. Connections can also stimulate the brain and fortify cognitive functions by improving memory formation and recall.

Building strong bonds with friends, family, and your community will lead to greater life satisfaction. To be healthy, happy, and live longer, we need each other.

At Evergreen Senior Living in Chillicothe, we can provide that daily dose of social interaction that every person needs to flourish. We offer mental workouts with discussions, weekly fitness classes, social outings, and many more social activities for you or your loved one to enjoy. Call today or visit our website to learn more and become a part of the Evergreen Senior Living family.

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