Four Unexpected Parts of the Aging Process – Evergreen Senior Living


Four Unexpected Parts of the Aging Process

 When you think of the aging process, you may think of wrinkles, diminishing vision, hearing impairment, or muscle loss. These are obvious signs of growing old, and they happen to almost everyone. However, there are effects of aging that many people overlook. These concerns may go undetected for some time, so it is important to know how our bodies are continually changing. The following are four results of growing older that you may not have considered.

1. Slower Reaction Time: After the age of twenty-four, the brain starts to break down, which leads to slower response times. The descent is usually gradual and is different from person to person. As brain activity slows, response time can decrease enough to put someone at risk of injury. Staying active both mentally and physically can be a promising way to decrease the rate at which the brain breaks down.

2. Wounds Heal More Slowly: As you age, the body gradually experiences delays in wound healing. There can be many causes of this, such as a delayed inflammatory response or reduced skin elasticity. You may be aware that bruises and cuts heal noticeably slower, but there are ways to enhance the recovery process. By staying active with physical exercise, the healing time for wounds can be increased by 25%. Evergreen Senior Living is happy to provide residents with campus features to increase your loved one’s physical activity.

3. Loss of Bone Density: Osteoporosis is a common disease that develops as you age. Around the age of 50, bone breakdown begins to occur and increases the risk of fractures and breaks. It is important to understand that preventative actions can be taken to lower your chances of developing Osteoporosis. A diet rich in protein, calcium, and magnesium can be effective at preserving bone density. It is always good to talk with your physician about what measures can be taken to avoid bone density loss.

4. A Decrease in Taste Bud Sensitivity: We are born with nine thousand taste buds. As we age, those taste buds begin to shrink and can lose full function. By the time you reach 60, you may not distinguish different tastes as easily as you could in the past. Sweet, salty, sour, or bitter foods can become difficult to identify, leading to diminished appetites. At Evergreen Place, we ensure your loved one is receiving nutritionally balanced meals!

Growing old is something no one can avoid. Remember to be aware of the ways your body may change so that you’ll know if or when they happen. At Evergreen Senior Living, it is our priority to keep your loved one healthy and cared for. Check out our wonderful campus online or call us today to learn more! (217) 864-4300

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