How Puzzles Give Your Mind a Mental Workout – Evergreen Senior Living


How Puzzles Give Your Mind a Mental Workout

Daily puzzles in the newspapers and strategy games are meant for more than just fun. These types of mind workouts have many benefits and can improve your mental health. No matter what type of puzzle or game you choose, they are all great ways to power your brain!

  • Mental workouts stimulate both sides of your brain. The right side is responsible for creativity and intuitive thinking, while the left side is more logical and analytical, both of which are necessary for solving challenges.
  • Many studies have shown doing crosswords, word searches, or other puzzles can improve your short-term memory. Challenging yourself with these activities can reinforce the connection between your brain cells. This improves mental processing speed, enhancing your memory.
  • Board games and other mental activities can boost your mood. When you finally solve the puzzle, your brain releases some dopamine, which can impact your motivation and concentration for the rest of the day.
  • Through the trial and error you face when solving Sudoku or other number games, you are strengthening your problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Finding different approaches to finishing the puzzle can enhance your critical thinking and innovation.
  • Mental games and puzzles can relieve stress and lower your blood pressure and heart rate. Concentration on one task makes your brain go into a meditative state.
  • Doing jigsaw puzzles and other types of mental workouts can be emotionally beneficial, too. You can increase your patience, concentration, and self-control skills. Solving a puzzle or game takes both time and effort, which is great practice for facing problems in everyday life.

Doing daily mental workouts can improve your cognitive function and prevent memory loss. It never hurts to exercise your brain and have some fun while doing it. At Evergreen Place in Normal, we strive to give the best care for your loved one and encourage energizing the mind through games and discussions. Call today and schedule an appointment for a campus tour. 

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