New Year, New Home: 4 Tips to Help Your Loved One Adjust to Assisted Living – Evergreen Senior Living


New Year, New Home: 4 Tips to Help Your Loved One Adjust to Assisted Living

Your loved one made the move to an assisted living community! These are great homes that provide a safe and joyous environment and promote the well-being of senior citizens. However, the transition from complete independence to assisted living can be difficult for your senior. Consider the following tips to help your loved one adjust to life in their new home:


1. Surround Them with Familiarity

On move-in day, bring along a few of your loved one’s favorite items. Whether it’s a picture, wall decorations from their last home, or bedsheets in their favorite color, bringing familiarity to their new home will increase their sense of comfort and help them personalize their living space.


2. Encourage Socialization

Your loved one isn’t the only resident in the community! Encourage them to get to know their neighbors and participate in the various activities that assisted living communities have to offer. Some of the greatest friendships could be waiting for them!


3. Visit Frequently

Your presence is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved one. Scheduling time to visit them will serve as a reminder of your love and will make for a smoother transition. They will never view their assisted living community a home if they feel like they’ve been abandoned.


4. Remind Them of Their Hobbies

Did your loved one like to play cards or attend fitness classes before moving into an assisted living community? Remind them that they can still keep the hobbies they love in their new home! Show them all the activities they can do to let them know they haven’t lost their favorite pastimes.

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