Why Arthritis is so Common and Possible Prevention Methods – Evergreen Senior Living


Why Arthritis is so Common and Possible Prevention Methods

As we age, our body begins to show signs of the wear and tear we put on it over the years. One of the ways that this shows up is in joint pain and arthritis. This is so common because, throughout our lives, we tend to beat up our joints and bones with physical activity. Even though this isn’t a life-threatening condition, it can be a burden that no one wants to deal with. Here are a few ways that arthritis could be prevented or alleviated:


Maintain weight: One of the biggest stress factors we can put onto our bodies is adding weight that’s not meant to be supported by our frame. Maintaining a healthy weight prevents extra stress from being added to our joints and bones.


Drink Water: As simple as it sounds, drinking enough water every day can go a long way toward keeping us healthy. Our bodies are mostly made up of water and therefore require the needed amount (different for everyone) to ensure proper function and sustainability.


Exercise: Consistently working out provides benefits to all aspects of life. Whether it’s walking, dancing, swimming, or any form of consistent exercise will strengthen the body as a whole and can prevent issues like arthritis.


Diet: What we put into our system is what we get out of it. Eating the right foods that contain necessary vitamins and minerals is one of the biggest keys to maintaining physical health all around.


Stretch: Stretching is a great activity; it has many benefits. One of the key benefits of arthritis prevention is that it improves mobility by making muscles looser and acts to lubricate our joints while improving their range of motion.

Although arthritis is something that comes with wear and tear, many precautions can work to prevent the condition.

At Evergreen Senior Living in Decatur, we ensure that all aspects of our resident’s health, ranging from exercise to diet, are being properly attended to. To find out more about our community, visit our website or give us a call today at (217) 864 – 4300.

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