Dealing With Stress During the Holidays – Evergreen Senior Living


Dealing With Stress During the Holidays

The holidays can be a great time as it gives people an opportunity to get together with family and friends, enjoy great food, and celebrate what we’re thankful for. However, life’s problems don’t come to a halt just because of the holiday season. Dealing with stress during these times is something that can be easily overlooked. It can be very difficult to try and balance stress with the holidays as it can become quickly overwhelming. Here are some tips on how to do so:

Tackle One Task at a Time

It’s very common for people to think that reaching out to friends or family for help will burden them. It’s the opposite for the most part. The people who are closest to us are usually happy to help more than we’d even think. Even just sitting down and venting with someone can take a load of weight off your shoulders.

Create a Plan

Between shopping, decorating, preparing for parties, and keeping up with everyday life, we can get swallowed into a hole of responsibilities quickly during these months. Creating a plan and thinking ahead can be a great deal of help. It creates structure for when things need to be done so that we don’t let ourselves save everything for the last minute.

Roll With the Punches

We are all human and make mistakes. It can be easy to get down on yourself and become discouraged after messing up. It’s best to learn to roll with the punches and move while learning from it instead of dwelling. This will only add more unneeded stress.

Stay Healthy

It can be easy to get caught up in the craziness of the holidays and put your health to the side. This can include getting less sleep, not exercising as much, and having a poor diet. Living unhealthy puts more stress on the mind and body. It’s important to make time for yourself and keep your health as your top priority.

Here at Evergreen Place in Champaign, we love the holiday season. It’s a great time for us to be able to do fun festivities and enjoy great vibes with our residents. However, we do realize that stress still occurs during this time. We work our hardest to make sure that our residents are as stress-free as possible and that they can fully enjoy the holidays. For more information about some of our favorite festivities or our community, give us a call today!

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