How to Rearrange Your Home to Prevent Senior Falls – Evergreen Senior Living


How to Rearrange Your Home to Prevent Senior Falls

Many things in our homes can potentially be safety hazards for seniors. When many of us trip on an area rug or almost slip on a spill, we may not think twice about it and simply fix the minor problem. However, for a senior, these things can be very dangerous. Senior falls are one of the most common causes of injury. There are ways to prevent falls by doing things like:


Removing area rugs

Even though they may add a nice touch to your home, area rugs can be a serious hazard for seniors. The biggest issue is a high chance of tripping on the corner. They may also slide on the floor and cause someone to slip.


Properly lighting your home

We’ve all experienced a time when it was dark in our home, and we had a mini panic attack when we skipped the last stair on the staircase or almost tripped on something on the floor. Therefore, it’s important to make sure there’s adequate lighting in a senior’s home. It’s good to have plug-in night lights that automatically turn on when it’s dark.


Placing non-slip mats in the shower

Wet floor surfaces are dangerous no matter where they are in the home. This is especially true in the shower. The shower floor is even slicker when soap gets mixed with water, posing a huge risk. Putting a non-slip mat in the shower can increase grip and decrease the chances of a slip.


Installing railings or grab bars around the house

Having something for support while walking around the home is key. Railings and grab bars are essential as they can be one of the biggest preventers of falls. They can help with moving around the home, from getting out of bed to walking down the stairs.


Many things can be done to make your home safer for a senior; these are just a few. Some methods may require a home modification, while others may just require moving a piece of furniture. It’s recommended that at least a few precautions be taken to make the home a safer place for seniors.


At Evergreen Senior Living, we ensure that our community has amenities that make it safe for seniors to walk and navigate around. The safety of our residents is our priority. For more information about our campus, visit our website or give us a call today!

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