Seniors & How to Prevent Falls – Evergreen Senior Living


Seniors & How to Prevent Falls

Evergreen Senior Living Category   February 18, 2019

Seniors & How to Prevent Falls

One of the greatest areas of concern impacting seniors’ safety and independence is falling. As strength, mobility and balance change with age, the elderly population becomes more vulnerable to falls. In fact, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) identifies falls as the number one cause of senior injury and accidental death. Every 11 seconds a senior citizen is treated in the emergency room for a fall.

Some of the higher risk fall injuries include hip damage and head trauma, which can lead to life-threatening complications. Fall injuries sustained by seniors can make formidable obstacles to senior independence. The fear of a fall can often impact a senior’s life, too. They are afraid of a potential fall and thus limit their social engagements and activities. This can lead to isolation and depression because of their fear of getting hurt.

During the cold winter months, we are more aware of the dangers of slipping on icy or snowy sidewalks. However, inside the home is where the greatest number of falls occurs. Here are some safety measures you can take to help keep your loved one on their feet and feeling confident in their movements.

Safety in the Home:

  • Provide ample lighting. Make sure there are enough lamps, flashlights and bright light bulbs to illuminate seniors’ living space. Night lights for bathrooms and hallways are particularly useful for people who may get up during the night.
  • Install grab bars throughout the home. Providing something stable to hold on to can greatly assist seniors. Specific areas to consider installing grab bars or handrails include stairs, bathrooms and any other uneven surfaces.
  • Invest in non-slip rugs or mats. By increasing traction and stabilization, seniors reduce their fall hazards. Unsecured rugs present a considerable hazard to senior health and should be removed. Non-slip decals for bathtubs can also be very helpful.
  • Manage loose items. Clean up clutter and make sure that the home is clear of any items. Avoid loose cords or keeping extra “stuff” that can impede walking paths.
  • Move Carefully. Standing up too quickly can cause a senior to experience dizziness, which could lead to a tumble. Stand up and sit down slowly. Remind your loved one to be cognizant of their movements and to move at their speed.

    Talk to Your Doctor:

Review medications with a doctor. Seniors should talk to their doctor about medication that may cause dizziness or imbalance. A simple prescription change can make a tremendous difference for seniors.

  • Attend regular vision check-ups. A regular visit to the eye doctor will identify changes in prescription or health conditions affecting depth perception.
  • Share your Concerns. Most seniors will not discuss their fear of a fall with their healthcare provider, but encouraging them to do so provides an opportunity to be pro-active.

Make Your Health a Priority:

  • Exercise.A daily exercise regimen, even something as simple as a short walk, can help improve core stability and strengthen muscles. A healthcare provider should be able to provide safe, low-impact exercises that can be done at home to help improve balance.
  • Watch alcohol intake. Drinking alcohol, even a small amount, increases everyone’s likelihood of falling. Seniors who wish to avoid a painful tumble ought to limit or eliminate alcohol from their diet.

Evergreen Senior Living provides assisted living and supportive living residential living opportunities for seniors. Our apartment floor plans are designed with senior safety in mind, and our Wellness Team is on hand to support seniors with their daily care, including keeping them safe from falls. Find a location nearest you by visiting our website and scheduling a tour today!

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