The Benefits of Being Outdoors – Evergreen Senior Living


The Benefits of Being Outdoors

April showers bring May flowers; the perfect excuse to go outside and enjoy the warmer weather. There are many health benefits for both the mind and body when enjoying the outdoors. Who knew that experiencing nature would have such positive outcomes?

  • Burn More Calories: Your chances of putting your body in motion doubles when you go outside. Whether it’s walking, biking, cleaning up the yard, or any other activity, your surroundings help distract your mind, so your duration of exercise ends up being longer.
  • Improves Focus: Take a break and get some fresh air. Studies have shown the perfect way to refresh is by going outside. Being in the outdoors can sharpen your creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Improve Your Vision: Look at the scenery while helping your eyes! Spending time outside allows your internal clock to regulate and, in return, can help your sleep better. It can reduce chances for myopia, or nearsightedness, and Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), a problem caused by staring at a screen for too long.
  • Increase Vitamin D: Doing activities outdoors provides the opportunity to soak up the sun and promote your body’s production of Vitamin D. The vitamin is essential for the body’s efficiency in everyday functions and helps protect you from diseases and infections.
  • Boost Your Immunity: Being out in nature is great for your immune system. There are compounds plants put into the air called phytoncides that increase your immune function. The sunlight also energizes the production of T-cells which are essential to fight infection.
  • Enhances Your Mood: Elevate your spirits and mind by experiencing the outdoors. Many studies have proven that spending time in nature can reduce stress and combat feelings of anxiety or depression. The sunlight is able to boost your serotonin levels, which raises your positivity and energy levels.


At Evergreen Senior Living in Decatur, we make sure your loved one is meeting all their health needs. Our beautiful campus provides many opportunities for seniors to go outside and be active. Call today or visit our website to learn more about our community.

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