The Benefits of Meditation – Evergreen Senior Living


The Benefits of Meditation

We all have moments in our lives where we may be stressed, and life feels like it’s one step ahead. This can lead to things like loss of motivation, feeling down, and decreased productivity. One of the best things to combat this is meditation. Mediation offers a wide variety of benefits that include things like:


Reduced Stress

Stress reduction is probably the biggest benefit of meditation. The reason that it takes the edge off is that it forces participants to focus on slow and deep breathing while clearing the mind. Sometimes this is the perfect recipe to decompress and let some tension go.


Enhanced Mood

Meditation is looked at as one of the purest forms of relaxation. This is because the way each person meditates can be tailored to their mind and what works best for them. It allows us to go to that happy place in our heads and forget about all the negativity going on. This, in turn, can greatly enhance our overall mood.


Increased Heart Health

Meditation causes a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. This is true not only during meditation but also afterward. It causes you to go about your day more worry-free and relaxed. Therefore, routinely adding this practice into daily life can potentially result in an increase in heart health.


Boosted Creativity

Stress and anxiety can be some of the biggest creativity blockers. They tend to cause us to think about things that are out of our control or past occurrences. Meditating removes these creativity blocks by reducing stress and anxiety and clearing the mind. It’s mind-blowing how much more creative you can become after just a few minutes!


Reduced Pain

Whether it’s sore muscles or chronic pain, our minds tend to focus on the aching throughout the day which can make it worse. What meditation can do for pain is greatly reduce it by causing your brain to release chemicals that act as natural pain killers. It also clears the mind which takes thought away from it.


Evergreen Place in Champaign believes in the importance of mental health. Therefore, we encourage our residents to do things that increase quality of life like meditation. We want what’s best for our residents and realize the benefits that something like this can have. For more information about our community or to schedule a tour, give us a call today!

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