The Benefits of Seniors Having a Pet – Evergreen Senior Living


The Benefits of Seniors Having a Pet

Pets play a huge role in our lives. For many of us, our pets are like another family member. Whether it’s a dog, cat, guinea pig, etc., we love our pets, and they love us (at least we think they do). There is nothing better than coming home and being greeted or seeing one of your best buds. While having pets is fun, it also has many benefits for seniors.


Owning a dog requires owners to get out of the house with the animal and go for walks. For seniors that are willing and able, this is a perfect opportunity to work those muscles. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for older adults, so having a pet to walk could be perfect!

Emotional Comfort

Sometimes we feel sad or stressed and just need a hug. However, there are times when the support of a friend or loved one just doesn’t cheer you up. On the other hand, laying next to your furry friend might. Pets have been proven to provide an incredibly high amount of emotional support when we are feeling down. Some animals can even sense the emotions of their owners and show extra attentiveness.

Build a daily schedule

Many of us have a hard time developing a daily schedule because our lives consist of many conflicting priorities. This can lead to becoming overwhelmed or not sleeping well. Having a pet requires you to build a daily routine around their necessities which then adds structure to your life.

Possibly Develop a Hobby

Having a pet forces us to do things we may have never done before, like going for walks, carpentry, photography, etc. Depending on the type of pet, being an owner of one can encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and spread your wings a little. Who knows? You could develop a hobby that you fall in love with all because of your little companion.

At Evergreen Senior Living in Decatur, our residents are our priority. And because we know the value of furry friends, we welcome them, too! We make sure that every member of our community gets the best care possible from a team who is passionate about what they do. We take great pride in our facilities and employees. For more information about our location, give us a call today to schedule a tour!

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