Welcome, Summer! – Evergreen Senior Living


Welcome, Summer!

June 21st is the “official” date by which our calendars mark the start of the summer season. At the summer solstice, the nights are the shortest and we enjoy the longest days of the year. The temperatures are the warmest we experience during our four seasons as we are turned toward the sun more so than at any other time during the year. So while the calendar reflects this formal change in the seasons midway through June, for many of us the summer season begins at Memorial Day or often even earlier depending on when the school year ends.

Summer is a time many of us look forward to all year long because it is universally recognized as a break or period of slow down for our very busy lives. Longer days of sunshine allow everyone to enjoy more time outside. A walk after dinner or an evening passed sitting on the porch are treasured moments we cannot experience during other times of the year. Gardening, whether you have an elaborate vegetable patch or a collection of annual flowers that adorn your patio, is a task that brings great joy.

For the residents in our Evergreen Senior Living communities, summer outings and activities provide opportunities for them to enjoy the excitement of summer. Our Life Enrichment teams do an excellent job of planning events tailored to the seniors living in their communities. If you have a loved one living in an assisted or supportive living community like Evergreen, or even still living at home, ask them what kind of activities they enjoy and take the time to treat them. Perhaps they haven’t been to a baseball game in a while; an evening at the ballpark would be quite a treat! Even just a trip to the ice cream parlor could be a fun excursion for your elderly loved ones or neighbors.

Now that summer is here, soak it up! Enjoy the sunshine and the longer days; the fireflies and the baseball parks lit up and filled with fans. And make the effort to help your elderly neighbors or loved ones enjoy the season, too. Despite the longer days and feelings of endless summer, fall will be upon us before we know it!

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