Live Life Your Way! – Evergreen Senior Living


Live Life Your Way!

July 4th celebrates our nation’s independence from British rule, known in the 18th Century as the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Second Continental Congress voted for independence on July 2nd, 1776, issuing the official Declaration of Independence of the 13 Colonies on July 4th. While the American Revolutionary War waged until 1783, July 4th remains as the cornerstone by which we as Americans celebrate our independence from King George III and Great Britain.

Today, we continue to celebrate this monumental day of independence with fireworks, parades, troop reviews and picnics. But for many Americans, being independent has a broader meaning. For seniors who want to live life their own way, but perhaps need some extra help with daily living, retirement living options like Evergreen Senior Living provide a great compromise. At our assisted living and supportive living communities in both Illinois and Indianapolis, we want seniors to live as independently as they are able. This means providing the support and care that they need, but with the independence and choice they desire. Care is available when it is needed, with independence encouraged.

At our Evergreen Senior Living communities, we understand that residents come to live with us bringing a variety of interests and hobbies that they want to continue to enjoy. Our team of caregivers and support staff provides life enrichment programs and activities to allow residents to continue living their life their own way. Giving residents the freedom to choose their own schedule and daily activities is an important part of the culture at Evergreen Senior Living.

If you would like to learn more about our assisted living, supportive living and memory support services, please visit our website at

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