5 Tips for Settling Into a Senior Living Community – Evergreen Senior Living


5 Tips for Settling Into a Senior Living Community

When it’s time to make the move to a senior living community, transitions can be challenging. Many feel that they’re leaving years of memories behind, and others simply dread cleaning decades of drawers! Thankfully, many seniors have survived the senior living transition, and have thrived as a result. Here are a few tips that seniors often share:

1. Ask For Support
A move can be physically and mentally exhausting. Ask friends or close family members such as children and grandchildren to help pack, clean, lift, smile, and laugh. Sometimes a friendly face turns a tough job into a fun memory.

2. Stay Positive
Attitude is everything. Remember that the move will improve the quality of life and more than likely means leaving major stressors behind. Say good-bye to home maintenance, transportation, and cleaning. Look at this move as a new adventure!

3. Make Your New Space Feel Like Home
Downsizing can be a gift. Keep only what you love and adorn your new space with the sentimental things that make you feel happy and at home. A sense of simple familiarity can be refreshing.

4. Update Your Address – Everywhere!
Don’t skip a beat with meds and money. Inform your bank, utility companies, friends, and pharmacies that you’ll have a new address! And, if you’re having any consistent home deliveries (groceries or prescriptions), make sure to either re-route or cancel services.

5. Socialize
Senior living communities are full of new possibilities for friendships. Even if you’re not social by nature, remember that socializing is healthy and can help make the transition easier and ultimately more satisfying. It can also help prevent senior isolation.

Evergreen Senior Living of Normal is proud to offer a smooth transition for seniors moving to our senior living communities. We offer worry-free assisted living in Normal, Illinois, and surrounding areas at Evergreen Place and compassionate, supportive living at Evergreen Village. Contact us today to discuss your options! Please call Evergreen Place with any questions at (309) 451–9355 or contact Evergreen Village by calling (309) 452-7300.

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