Festive Fall Activities for You and Your Senior – Evergreen Senior Living


Festive Fall Activities for You and Your Senior

Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. From the leaves changing colors to the crisp, chilly air and don’t forget about the hot apple cider and pumpkin treats. What better time for your senior to go out and enjoy themselves. Whether your senior wants to participate in fall events outside or inside, we have options for you!

Baking some yummy treats! On the cooler days of fall, there is nothing like baking your favorite fall treats! You and your senior will have a blast baking goodies together like apple cider donuts, pumpkin pie, or even a secret family recipe.

Seasonal arts and crafts! Getting seniors involved in arts and crafts can help them reduce their stress levels and relax their minds. Fall is a great time to start a festive project! Get creative with pumpkin painting and make it a family contest. Make fall wreaths to hang on your front porch. Or help your senior adorn their home with festive fall decorations!

Fall movie night! Fall is the perfect time for scary movies. But if you are anything like us, we prefer the family Halloween movies! Whether your senior likes scary movies or family movies, you can watch either with the ones you love! Make it even more special with some hot cocoa and your senior’s favorite fall baked goods, and you are sure to have a great night.

Nature walks! Fall weather is perfect for a nice walk. You’ll be admiring the leaves changing, breathing the fresh air, and getting good exercise all in one! For seniors with more limited mobility, going for a leisurely drive can also be a great way to enjoy the sights and sounds of the autumn. Ensure your senior is dressed appropriately in comfortable shoes and the right clothing for the changing temperatures!

Whether you are with your senior for a Halloween candy giveaway, cooking the stuffing for Thanksgiving, or if it is just a random Tuesday, there are plenty of simple and creative ways to help your senior feel like they’re an important part of the holiday fun. Learn more about how Evergreen Senior Living in Normal helps our residents get excited about our fall festivities!

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