Tips for Seniors to Stay Healthy – Evergreen Senior Living


Tips for Seniors to Stay Healthy

Tips for Seniors to Stay Healthy

Our health can be easy for us to overlook in our busy lives. It can be very hard to fit a good night’s sleep, nutritious meals, and exercise into our jam-packed schedules. However, this is something that we should focus on as our bodies can only work as well as we allow them to. Seniors should especially focus on their well-being since aging can open us to different illnesses or diseases. Here are some tips on how seniors can do this:



Keeping the body moving by doing exercise, whether walking, dancing, yoga, etc., is a great way to help prevent different illnesses and diseases. Continuous physical activity makes us stronger in many ways and highly increases energy levels.



Nutrition plays a bigger factor in our lives than many people realize. For example, it is commonly unknown that the physical progress of losing weight and getting healthy is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. With the right foods, our bodies can do amazing things. Putting the right things into our system gives it a better chance to fight off sicknesses.



It can be very hard to get all the vitamins and minerals we need from food alone. It is good to take supplements to fill the gaps that food could not fill to check these nutrients off the list. However, everyone’s body is different, and therefore you should speak to a medical professional before taking any supplements.



Although commonly overlooked, hygiene plays a huge factor in our well-being. Every day we come across and touch billions of germs, and therefore, a simple hand wash before touching your face or eating something can go a long way.



When we sleep, our entire system is resetting and getting ready for the next day. Proper sleep plays a huge role in every aspect of our bodily function physically, mentally, and emotionally. When we sleep well, we allow ourselves to operate at our full potential.


Frequent Doctor Check-Ups

It is important for seniors to check up with their physicians frequently. Even if they feel there is nothing wrong, it is good to ensure their bodily function is where it should be.

At Evergreen Place in Champaign, our mission is to make sure our residents stay healthy. We take all precautions and actions to make sure that their health needs are being taken care of. From nutritious meals to regular physical activity, we help your loved one live their healthiest life. For more information about how we ensure the well-being of the residents in our community, call us today at (217) 530-4300.

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