Ways for Seniors to Alleviate Stress – Evergreen Senior Living


Ways for Seniors to Alleviate Stress

Ways for Seniors to Alleviate Stress

Stress is something that we all deal with whether it’s about something serious or a minor inconvenience throughout the day. It’s a natural human response to adversity which is why it’s not the stress itself that’s important but how we cope with it. It’s a common misconception that seniors have nothing to stress about. However, this is untrue as we all have some sort of conflict in our lives. Thankfully, there are many ways that we can deal with this. Here are some good ways that seniors can alleviate cope.


Breathing Exercises: Sometimes when we feel stressed out all we need is to take a step back and breathe. It can be easy to get caught up in the moment of things. Simply slowing down our breathing and focusing on relaxing the mind can go a long way.


Spend Time in Nature: Going for a soothing stroll in nature and taking in the smells, sounds, and sights can greatly boost our mood and lower blood pressure. Nature walks help clear the mind and almost act as a form of meditation.


Get a Massage: Our bodies tense up when we are stressed. Getting a massage loosens the body up. This releases chemicals in the brain which ease our minds up. Everything about a massage from the calming environment to the great feeling of releasing tension in the body is great for mental health.


Eat One of Your Favorite Snack: Although for many of us, our favorite snacks may not be the healthiest, indulging in a treat that holds a special spot in our hearts can be very mentally beneficial.


Talk to a Friend or Family Member: We all have moments where we just need to vent to someone. Talking to a friend or family member can be a huge help as hearing a word of advice is sometimes all it takes to release weight off your shoulders.


There is an infinite number of ways to relieve stress. Everyone is different and some methods may work for some that don’t work for others. What’s important is that you find a few ways that work best so that when stressful times do occur you know how to take a step back from the situation and relax.


At Evergreen Place in Champaign, we offer a wide variety of activities such as social activities and Lifestyle Enrichment programs that may be stress-relieving for your loved one. For more information on services we offer, visit our website today or give us a call at (217) 530 – 4300.

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