Fun and Stimulating Games for Seniors – Evergreen Senior Living


Fun and Stimulating Games for Seniors

There are so many mental exercises that maintain and sharpen cognitive health. Some exercises may seem tedious and somewhat boring, but they don’t all need to be like that. Many games allow seniors to enjoy what they’re doing while challenging the brain to stay sharp. Below you’ll find a list of some of these games and their benefits.



Sudoku works to challenge you in a few different ways. One of them is concentration. It requires players to carefully think and analyze their next move since one wrong move can end the game. Another benefit it offers is improving the ability to learn. It comes with trial and error and causes struggle before really learning how to play.



Chess is one of the ultimate games when it comes to brain exercise. It allows the participant to use their creativity since there are tens of thousands of different possible moves. It also helps develop problem-solving skills as players must mentally run through situations for both their moves and their competitors.


Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles improve brain function because they employ skills like reasoning and analysis. When trying to solve the puzzle, one must deeply analyze and go through a series of steps to figure out the correct letter for each spot. Crosswords also hone attention span as they require you to focus on one thing at a time for extended periods.



Monopoly is perfect for boosting brain power because it incorporates other game skills like reasoning, creativity, learning, etc. However, it’s different from other games because it relates more to real-world problems as participants must bargain and solve problems with others for things like money and properties. Therefore, Monopoly is a great game to play frequently to keep those up reasoning skills.


These are only a few of a long list of games that can be played to maintain cognitive function. Whether they’re on a board, cards, or online, there is something that can attract anyone’s fancy. Anything that makes you think and solve problems is great for the brain.


Evergreen Place in Champaign works to make sure that our residents stay mentally sharp. We keep them busy with activities that help with cognitive maintenance. For more information about our community or services, give us a call or schedule a tour today!

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