Tips On Improving Sleep Quality – Evergreen Senior Living


Tips On Improving Sleep Quality

We all know the difference between the feeling of getting a good night of sleep versus a bad one. Getting a good night’s sleep makes a huge impact on your day as it affects many things like mood, energy, focus, etc. There’s nothing worse than the feeling of waking up and immediately knowing you didn’t sleep well. A lot of us unknowingly do things daily that hinder our bodies from getting good sleep. Here are a few tips for improving the quality of sleep:


Don’t have caffeine late in the day

Coffee is probably the most drank beverage in the world behind water. People don’t realize that the caffeine from coffee stimulates your system for about 8 hours. The later someone drinks a caffeinated beverage, the later it stays in the system. Drinking coffee later in the day could keep you from falling asleep at night.


Stay off your phone in bed

Many of us enjoy winding down at night by spending some time surfing social media on our phones in bed. This is one of the worst things for your brain at night. Phones give off blue light that stimulates your brain. Enough exposure to blue light at night could throw off your circadian rhythm and make it very hard to fall asleep.


Develop a consistent routine

Our bodies run on an internal clock. When we are on a consistent schedule of going to sleep and waking up we get the best sleep results. Consistency is one of the biggest keys to getting good sleep


Refrain from eating before bed

Sleep is a time for our entire body to rest and recharge for the next day. Although our internal system is always doing something, eating close to bedtime puts extra stress on your digestive system and can lead to indigestion and decreased sleep quality. It’s recommended not to eat three hours before going to sleep.


Evergreen Senior Living in Decatur wants nothing but the best for our residents. We try to make sure that our residents’ habits are best for their health. That includes everything from proper exercise to sleep. For more information about our community, give us a call or schedule a tour today!

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