How Seniors Can Sharpen Their Driving Skills and Maintain Safe Habits On The Road – Evergreen Senior Living


How Seniors Can Sharpen Their Driving Skills and Maintain Safe Habits On The Road

As we get older, our body’s senses naturally begin not to work as well as they once did. Our senses are very important when driving as we use all of them simultaneously. Although our senses will inevitably become weaker as we age, there are things that we can do to maintain them so that we feel confident on the road. Some of these include:

  • Scheduling regular hearing and vision tests
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle
  • Keeping your brain sharp by doing things such as reading, playing board games, and staying creative


Although we can maintain some of the skills we need while driving, there are still external factors that may cause it to be unsafe for seniors to be on the road. These could include things such as:

  • Inclement weather
  • Darkness or Nighttime (If you have a hard time seeing at night)
  • Times where roads are busy


Many external factors cause it to be unsafe to drive. However, there are internal factors as well that could create a dangerous driving environment like:

  • Driving too soon after taking certain medications or after not taking medication
  • Driving while emotionally unstable
  • Driving tired


Therefore, as we get older, there are many checks that we need to do before hitting the road. It is our responsibility to make sure that we can safely operate a motor vehicle on the road. Here are some signs you should look for that signify you or your loved one may need to work on strengthening motor skills before continuing to drive:

  • Getting lost in areas that used to be familiar
  • Hitting other cars while parking or consistently having trouble parking
  • Becoming confused by traffic signals
  • Not seeing other cars or objects on the road.


Driving is a very complex activity that requires many different parts of our body to be functioning at a high level. It gets harder as we get older, which can be discouraging but remember that many people are in the same boat, and it is a natural part of aging.


At Evergreen Place in Champaign, we realize that transitioning into assisted living can be a big change. However, we are here to help that process be as easy and stress-free as possible. For more information about our community, visit our website or give us a call today!

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