Importance of Staying Hydrated – Orland Park

Importance of Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated isn’t just for athletes and exercising. It is very important for overall health and for your heart and muscles to work efficiently. Dehydration is a serious condition that can have life-threatening effects such as kidney failure, shock, and low blood pressure. As we become older, the feeling of being thirsty is not as strong as it was when we are younger. Signs of hydration aren’t always noticeable, and they can include:

Signs of Dehydration:

  • Headaches
  • Exhaustion or dizziness
  • Swollen feet
  • Trouble using the restroom
  • Mood swings
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • A drop in blood pressure

How much water a person needs depends on many factors. Hot and humid weather, intensity and duration of exercising, or amount of clothing worn can all affect how much you perspire and how much you should be hydrating. Even some prescriptions, such as blood pressure medications, can cause dehydration. Consuming caffeine and sugary drinks while being dehydrated can upset your stomach and cause you to lose even more fluids. To rehydrate, drinking water is the best choice, but there are also food options that contain high percentages of water, such as produce, soups/broths, and dairy products.

Produce Options:

  • Bell Peppers (water content 92%)
  • Watermelon (water content 92%)
  • Cucumbers (water content 95%)
  • Strawberries (water content 91%)
  • Lettuce (water content 96%)
  • Tomatoes (water content 94%)
  • Celery (water content 95%)

Being thirsty is not always the best indicator to tell when you need more water. Most of the time, if you are thirsty, then you are already dehydrated. The easiest way to tell whether you are hydrated is by paying attention to your urine. When your urine is a pale color or clear, it means you are well hydrated, but if it is darker, then it is an indicator that you need more fluids.

During the summer heat especially, we encourage you and your senior to drink plenty of water. It’s a simple solution to a complication that can have lasting and serious health consequences.

At Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we provide the resources and nourishing meals to keep your loved one happy, healthy, and hydrated. Learn more about our community and visit our website or call (708) 479-1082 to schedule a tour of our campus today.