Summer Safety Tips for Seniors – Orland Park

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summertime is such a great time of year! The sun is shining, the weather is great, and you can finally engage in some of your favorite outdoor activities! However, with higher temperatures, and extra sunshine, we want to help you and your loved ones to have a fun and safe summer!

It is important for seniors to take extra care in conducting themselves outdoors under the hot summer sun. There are very simple tips to follow to help you and your loved one enjoy these summer months without worry.

Try to stay in a cool environment. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are very common in seniors. Note that it is important not to stay out in the sun for more than two hours at a time.

Know early signs of heat-related illnesses. Take immediate action if you notice your loved one having headaches, dry skin, nausea, fever, dizziness, or excessive tiredness during or after being in the sun. Take them indoors to a cool place along with some water.

Wear sunscreen. Many prescription medications make skin more sensitive to the sun. Applying and reapplying sunscreen with an SPF of 20 or higher will help reduce the chances of getting sunburnt.

Stay hydrated. It is a fact that seniors naturally feel less thirsty than younger people. With that being said, it is crucial that seniors drink more water than usual, especially if they are out in the sun, to avoid dehydration.

Dress appropriately. Wearing loose-fitting clothes will help your loved one stay cool this summer. Wearing fabrics like cotton helps regulate your body’s temperature.

Wear sunglasses. Since seniors are more susceptible to vision loss, it is important that they protect their eyes from UV rays and wear protective eyewear.

Keeping these summer safety tips in mind will minimize risk and help your senior have a summer full of safe and fun events. Find out how Evergreen Senior Living in Normal helps our residents have the best summer by calling or scheduling a tour today!