Falling – Orland Park

Ways To Prevent A Common Winter Injury

As we approach winter, Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park wants to provide our community with some helpful tips on preventing common winter injuries!


Slipping and falling on ice and snow is a very common injury for people of all ages, but seniors are especially at risk. In fact, according to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury among older Americans, and winter weather conditions only exacerbate that concern.


Ice can be difficult to see both at night and during the day. Seniors can easily lose their footing and take a fall that can put them in severe danger. Those who previously suffered hip injuries can especially be affected by damage to their hips or back. Seniors should be accompanied when walking outside, helped down driveways, and helped across parking lots to ensure they are stable and have the support to walk safely.


Below we have provided some helpful ways to keep you and your loved safe this winter:


  • Wear proper footwear made for icy and snowy conditions.
  • Keep your stride shorter and avoid long steps.
  • Slow things down — try not to rush or run outdoors.
  • Keep de-icer or sand on hand for when things get slippery around your house.
  • In case of injury, always have your cell phone handy.
  • If you need to do outdoor chores, take your time and don’t hurry.


Following safety protocols leads to a 35% reduction in the fall rate and a 62% decrease in the injury rate!


Here at Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we care about the safety of our wonderful residents and those in our community. This winter, your loved one can experience a white Christmas in a fun and safe manner. Schedule a tour to see for yourself!


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (708) 479-1082 or through our website!


Stay warm and safe this winter, and happy holidays to everyone!