Blog – Page 7 – Evergreen Senior Living


Fun and Stimulating Games for Seniors

There are so many mental exercises that maintain and sharpen cognitive health. Some exercises may seem tedious and somewhat boring, but they don’t all need to be like that. Many games allow seniors to enjoy what they’re doing while challenging the brain to stay sharp. Below you’ll find a list of some of these games […]

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How to Rearrange Your Home to Prevent Senior Falls

Many things in our homes can potentially be safety hazards for seniors. When many of us trip on an area rug or almost slip on a spill, we may not think twice about it and simply fix the minor problem. However, for a senior, these things can be very dangerous. Senior falls are one of […]

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The Benefits of Being Outside

Being outdoors gives us a feeling that we can’t get from anything else. There’s just something about the smells, sounds, and sights that never get old. As humans, we naturally feel connected to the outdoors, whether we are going for a walk, playing our favorite recreational game, or anything in between. Being cooped up in […]

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Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

We all forget things from time to time. You can lose your train of thought as you’re talking to someone, forget the name of the song stuck in your head, or just call someone the wrong name. Mistakes like this happen to most of us now and then. But when you notice this happening more […]

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Tips for Memory Improvement In Seniors

Tips for Memory Improvement in Seniors The simple fact is that memory skills start to decrease slowly as we get older. However, there are things that we can do to better our recollections. The brain is like a muscle, and the more you practice boosting cognitive ability, the stronger it gets. Here are a few […]

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Importance of Mental Health in Seniors

Depression is a topic that is not talked about enough, especially for an illness that affects so many people, including seniors. Many times, depression in seniors is disregarded as a natural part of aging. Issues like mental health problems need to be addressed to allow the elderly to live out their retirement safely and happily. […]

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Ways for Seniors to Alleviate Stress

Ways for Seniors to Alleviate Stress Stress is something that we all deal with whether it’s about something serious or a minor inconvenience throughout the day. It’s a natural human response to adversity which is why it’s not the stress itself that’s important but how we cope with it. It’s a common misconception that seniors […]

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The Best Cell Phones for Seniors

These days, you don’t have to look far to see someone looking down at the cell phone in their hands as they walk by. Ever since their introduction to the public in 1973, cell phones have continued to become more and more ingrained into our culture. Between the ability to play a variety of games […]

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Why Arthritis is so Common and Possible Prevention Methods

As we age, our body begins to show signs of the wear and tear we put on it over the years. One of the ways that this shows up is in joint pain and arthritis. This is so common because, throughout our lives, we tend to beat up our joints and bones with physical activity. […]

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When is the Right Time for Senior Living?

We are often asked, “When is the right time to move your elderly loved one into senior living?” Quite frankly, there isn’t just one answer. There are many reasons a loved one may find need of senior care and many levels of care available to accommodate everyone’s personal needs. From independence, to assisted living, and […]

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