Blog – Page 6 – Evergreen Senior Living


Best Local Vacation Ideas for Seniors

With summer finally in full swing, the natural urge to go outside and enjoy it has returned. We love the opportunity to take walks, enjoy the sun, and meet up with friends in the gorgeous weather. And while a simple backyard excursion is often a fun and cost-effective way to soak up the vitamin D, […]

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Fun Summer Activities for Seniors

Summer is a great time to get out and do some of your favorite outdoor activities. It’s a time when we can come together and enjoy nature after being restricted by the cold weather. Just as there are many activities for young people, there are plenty for seniors as well. Some of these activities can […]

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Tips On Improving Sleep Quality

We all know the difference between the feeling of getting a good night of sleep versus a bad one. Getting a good night’s sleep makes a huge impact on your day as it affects many things like mood, energy, focus, etc. There’s nothing worse than the feeling of waking up and immediately knowing you didn’t […]

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Accommodating Services Here at Evergreen Senior Living

Our community offers a wide variety of services to our seniors. We want our residents to feel comfortable and right at home. Seniors who move to our community can be assured of an independent lifestyle with our team available to help anytime they need us. Our goal is to support seniors who can no longer […]

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Tips That Can Help You with Arthritis Pain

There are many good that can come with age. Wisdom, experience, and knowledge are just a few. And there is no shortcut; it just takes time. This is part of the reason why we value our seniors so much. But one thing that time can make worse is arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammation of one […]

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How Seniors Can Sharpen Their Driving Skills and Maintain Safe Habits On The Road

As we get older, our body’s senses naturally begin not to work as well as they once did. Our senses are very important when driving as we use all of them simultaneously. Although our senses will inevitably become weaker as we age, there are things that we can do to maintain them so that we […]

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Tips On Communicating With Seniors With Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the most common things experienced among seniors. Trying to communicate with seniors that suffer from hearing loss can be very difficult for both parties. However, there are a few tips that can make communication clearer and easier. Some of these include:   Face the person being talked to When talking […]

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Safe and Enjoyable Summer Activities for your Senior

Summertime is almost here, and it is time to start thinking about the different ways to enjoy your upcoming summer months. Take advantage of the summer sun while it is out. It feels good to get outside, and social interaction has been shown to improve mental and physical well-being and even prolong your life. At […]

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The Benefits of Outdoor Yoga for Seniors

As we venture further into our spring season and approach the summer, the possibilities of outdoor activities become available again. After a long winter, there’s nothing like heading outside and trying some new and healthy activities. For seniors, in particular, some activities can provide them health benefits for both their minds and bodies.   One […]

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Care that Makes you Feel Right at Home

We have all heard the quote, “There’s no place like home.” But what is home to you? Is it a place? Somewhere you live? Maybe home is where you grew up. To us, home is a feeling. It is a place where you feel safe and happy and where you feel loved. At Evergreen Senior […]

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