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Ways To Prevent A Common Winter Injury

As we approach winter, Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park wants to provide our community with some helpful tips on preventing common winter injuries!


Slipping and falling on ice and snow is a very common injury for people of all ages, but seniors are especially at risk. In fact, according to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury among older Americans, and winter weather conditions only exacerbate that concern.


Ice can be difficult to see both at night and during the day. Seniors can easily lose their footing and take a fall that can put them in severe danger. Those who previously suffered hip injuries can especially be affected by damage to their hips or back. Seniors should be accompanied when walking outside, helped down driveways, and helped across parking lots to ensure they are stable and have the support to walk safely.


Below we have provided some helpful ways to keep you and your loved safe this winter:


  • Wear proper footwear made for icy and snowy conditions.
  • Keep your stride shorter and avoid long steps.
  • Slow things down — try not to rush or run outdoors.
  • Keep de-icer or sand on hand for when things get slippery around your house.
  • In case of injury, always have your cell phone handy.
  • If you need to do outdoor chores, take your time and don’t hurry.


Following safety protocols leads to a 35% reduction in the fall rate and a 62% decrease in the injury rate!


Here at Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we care about the safety of our wonderful residents and those in our community. This winter, your loved one can experience a white Christmas in a fun and safe manner. Schedule a tour to see for yourself!


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (708) 479-1082 or through our website!


Stay warm and safe this winter, and happy holidays to everyone!

Got the urge to dance? It can be good for your health!

Do you ever get the urge to get up and dance around? Well, there are some reasons why you might not want to ignore that urge. Getting older doesn’t always have to equal less movement; in fact, by doing a low-impact dance routine a few times each week, you have the potential to improve your joints, balance, and more. Consider these three possible benefits of dancing the next time your favorite song comes on:

  • Can Improve Balance and Strength
    Dancing a few times each week can be counted as a great workout for seniors. It can be a fun and enjoyable way to get moving and strengthen various muscles. If you don’t have the best balance, no worries, just make sure to start slow, and over time your balance can potentially be improved.
  • Can Help Reduce Joint Pain and Stiffness
    If getting older gave you an increase in stiffness and potential pain in your joints, dancing might be a fun way to help lessen some of these troubles. Getting active with a low-impact dance routine can be a nice, gentle way to stretch your legs and arms from time to time. This can potentially make it easier to move around and lessen any pain when doing so.
  • Can Help Defend Against Dementia
    Low-impact dancing has the potential to help reduce the risk of developing dementia in seniors. This is due to the combination of physical activity and the split-second decisions your brain makes when doing each dance move. These two elements can work together to help seniors strengthen their brain pathways and keep their bodies healthy for longer.

Consider this an invitation to dance with your loved one like no one’s watching! The best part is that dancing doesn’t have to include formal classes or training. Simply play some of your favorite tunes at home and let the music inspire your movements. And while you’ve got your dancing shoes on, come on down to our beautiful campus for a tour!

Easy Ways to Reduce the Risk of Falling

 As we age, we become more prone to losing our balance and falling. In fact, falls are the number one cause of serious injuries in seniors, with most of these falls happening in the home. Luckily, here at Evergreen Place, we want loved ones and their families to live worry-free, which is why we offer many services and amenities to reduce the risk of falling. There are also a few simple things you and your loved one can do to further reduce the likelihood of a fall.

  • Clean up clutter: Having clear paths is the most important part of reducing the risk of falling. This eliminates all unnecessary obstacles and allows seniors to move about freely. We offer spacious apartments that allow your loved one to have plenty of room to move while never being too far from anything.
  • Lighting: It is important to be able to see where you are walking at all times. Moving around in low or no light can greatly increase your loved one’s risk of falling. Our apartments are designed with large windows to let in as much natural light as possible. Evergreen Place also offers maintenance services for all of the lighting fixtures in your loved one’s room.
  • Wear shoes: Having shoes on allows for a better grip on the floor, which will make keeping your balance easier. If shoes are not as cozy, you can opt for a pair of non-slip socks; this will give that extra grip that some seniors may need.

Here at Evergreen Place, we don’t want your loved one to be worried about falling or anything else for that matter. That’s why we offer 24-hour wellness support, maintenance services, housekeeping, and laundry, as well as many other services. We want to provide your loved ones with the care they can depend on, allowing for worry-free living. 

Hungry? Try These Three Local Restaurants

Hungry? Try These Three Local Restaurants

If you and your loved one are looking for your next favorite dining spot, look no further than these three local restaurants! Get a jump-start on your day with a hearty breakfast at Pepper Mill Family Restaurant, enjoy delicious southern BBQ from Doc’s Smokehouse, or dig into Chicago’s famous deep-dish pizza at Barraco’s Pizzeria. Located just 4 to 8 minutes away from our campus, dining out with your loved one can be made easy, convenient, and fun. 1

Doc’s Smokehouse

If you’re looking for a little Southern BBQ in your life, Doc’s Smokehouse is the place to go! Being only an 8-minute drive from our campus, this hot dining spot is a great, convenient place for seniors and their families to enjoy a hearty meal. Stop in for a great pulled pork sandwich or a rack of ribs.

Pepper Mill Family Restaurant

Looking to enjoy a hot skillet for breakfast, a juicy burger for lunch, or a delicious Italian dinner? Well, look no further than Pepper Mill Family Restaurant! Conveniently located only 6 minutes down Wolf Road, dining at Pepper Mill can be an easy, and fun experience for families and seniors alike.

Barraco’s Pizzeria

What’s better than Chicago-style deep dish pizza? Chicago-style deep-dish pizza located only 4 minutes away from our campus! Barraco’s Pizzeria is a great place to enjoy a good meal with your loved one. Choose from their wide variety of menu options or create your own.

Getting out and about every so often is a good way to keep your loved one engaged, entertained, and healthy. At Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, our goal is to help your loved one maintain as much independence as possible. So even if they aren’t going out and about for a great meal, they can have one right on our campus. They have the option of our traditional dining room, Legends Pub, or Crossroads Cafe to enjoy all manner of food and beverages.  If you have any questions or need some assistance, visit our website or call (708) 479-1082 to learn more about our campus and the beautiful area and attractions surrounding it.

5 Most Common Senior Health Issues

Thanks to medical advances, people are living longer. As we get older, it is natural for our bodies to be more prone to health issues. Many factors such as lifestyle and environment can affect how we age. Here are the most common health conditions affecting those 65 or older and how you can decrease your risks of having these issues.

1.) Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for older adults. The health condition is caused by a build-up of plaque in the arteries and blood vessels that lead to the heart.

How to help lower your risk:

  • Reducing stress
  • Exercising regularly (at least 150 minutes per week)
  • Maintaining a healthy diet that is low in sodium, sugar, and fat 


2.) Arthritis

The CDC estimates that almost 50% of older adults are affected by arthritis. The condition affects joints in the body such as hips, knees, fingers, and other joints in the hand.

Osteoarthritis– The most common form of arthritis happens when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time.

Rheumatoid arthritis– An autoimmune and inflammatory disease where your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake. RA mainly attacks joints and causes painful swelling in the affected parts of the body.

Psoriatic arthritis– A form of arthritis that affects some people who have psoriasis. Joint problems can appear before the skin patches begin.

How to help maintain your health:

  • Eating foods that are high in Omega-3 to help reduce inflammation
  • Controlling body weight to help lessen pressure on joints
  • Aerobic exercises and stretching


3.) Osteoporosis

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, over 54 million adults over the age of 50 have either low bone mass or osteoporosis. This condition increases the risk for fractures and breaks that can lead to reduced movement in seniors.

How to help decrease your risk of osteoporosis:

  • Exercising regularly (at least 150 minutes per week)
  • Eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
  • Limiting the amount of alcohol and avoid smoking


4.) Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease makes up 50-70% of dementia cases. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in nine people 65 and over have the disease. This health condition causes progressive deterioration in memory and cognitive skills.

How to help reduce your risk:

  • Having a Mediterranean diet t which focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish and limits the amount of red meat consumed
  • Mental exercises such as puzzles and mind games
  • Getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night


5.) Diabetes

The CDC estimates that about 25% of people 65 and older have diabetes. Both Type I and Type II diabetes can affect many parts of the body and can cause additional health problems.

How to maintain your health by:

  • Avoiding foods that are high in sugar, trans fats, and empty carbohydrates
  • Exercising regularly (at least 150 minutes per week)
  • Eat more fish and fiber

At Evergreen Senior Living, we are experts at understanding the aging process and how it can affect our residents. We strive to give the best care to make sure your loved one is meeting all their health needs. Call today or visit our website to learn more about our campus and caregivers.

Importance of Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated isn’t just for athletes and exercising. It is very important for overall health and for your heart and muscles to work efficiently. Dehydration is a serious condition that can have life-threatening effects such as kidney failure, shock, and low blood pressure. As we become older, the feeling of being thirsty is not as strong as it was when we are younger. Signs of hydration aren’t always noticeable, and they can include:

Signs of Dehydration:

  • Headaches
  • Exhaustion or dizziness
  • Swollen feet
  • Trouble using the restroom
  • Mood swings
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • A drop in blood pressure

How much water a person needs depends on many factors. Hot and humid weather, intensity and duration of exercising, or amount of clothing worn can all affect how much you perspire and how much you should be hydrating. Even some prescriptions, such as blood pressure medications, can cause dehydration. Consuming caffeine and sugary drinks while being dehydrated can upset your stomach and cause you to lose even more fluids. To rehydrate, drinking water is the best choice, but there are also food options that contain high percentages of water, such as produce, soups/broths, and dairy products.

Produce Options:

  • Bell Peppers (water content 92%)
  • Watermelon (water content 92%)
  • Cucumbers (water content 95%)
  • Strawberries (water content 91%)
  • Lettuce (water content 96%)
  • Tomatoes (water content 94%)
  • Celery (water content 95%)

Being thirsty is not always the best indicator to tell when you need more water. Most of the time, if you are thirsty, then you are already dehydrated. The easiest way to tell whether you are hydrated is by paying attention to your urine. When your urine is a pale color or clear, it means you are well hydrated, but if it is darker, then it is an indicator that you need more fluids.

During the summer heat especially, we encourage you and your senior to drink plenty of water. It’s a simple solution to a complication that can have lasting and serious health consequences.

At Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we provide the resources and nourishing meals to keep your loved one happy, healthy, and hydrated. Learn more about our community and visit our website or call (708) 479-1082 to schedule a tour of our campus today.


Visitation Facts:

  •  Core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention are to be followed. This includes: hand hygiene, masking, social distancing, screening, vaccination, and not visiting if ill or have a positive COVID-19 test.
  • Visits are safer outdoors. Indoor visits are allowed at all times following CMS mandates on infection prevention.
  • Face masks are required to be worn at all times and are to cover your mouth and nose.
  • Visitors for residents who are on isolation or quarantine, are not recommended, however, visits are allowed. The visitor MUST check in at the front desk or if after business hours use the doorbell at the front entrance prior to entering the resident’s apartment. Gowns, gloves and masks are required to be worn.
  • Visitors should go directly to the resident’s apartment or visitation area and maintain social distancing from other residents and staff.
  • Visitors are strongly discouraged in the dining room at mealtimes due to risks to other residents and the inability to follow core infection prevention principles.
  • We strongly encourage all visitors and residents to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • We ask that you be aware of the risks associated with visiting and do not visit if ill.
  • Per CMS guidelines, visitors who are unable to adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention will not be permitted to visit and will be asked to leave.
  • Report to Wellness Coordinator or Director if you should develop symptoms of COVID-19 within 3 days of visiting.
  • Visitors are to screen upon entry to the community. Read the screening form and fill out appropriately, no blanks. Signs and symptoms of Covid-19 are listed on the screening form.
  • At this time, community will not permit onsite large gatherings, parties, or events, due to distancing issues and community space.
  • Please remember, the community is required to follow CMS, IDPH and CDC guidelines, we ask that you be courteous to staff who educate and uphold these guidelines.


  • Congratulations, Nick!

    Nick is a cook who has been employed by Evergreen for almost 5 years. He always enjoyed cooking, in fact a favorite memories is sitting under the table while his great-grandparents were baking in Arkansas. Nick’s other great-grandparents were some of our first residents here at Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park. Shortly after they moved in, Nick became a server and started picking up tips from our very own Chef Tony. Chef Tony took Nick under his wing and started to mentor him. Nick decided this was a good field of study, so now attends Joliet Junior College in the culinary program. He is being taught by several master chefs and they, too, have noticed his talent.

    Nick has been earned a special grant from Joliet Junior College that will pay for his education. Joliet Junior College will be honoring him with a plaque presented to him with the help of Chef Tony! We are so proud that Nick is a part of the Evergreen Orland Park team.”

    How Laughter Helps your Health

    For many years, people have said laughter is the best medicine. Humor can enhance your body’s functions both emotionally and physically. Who knew that such a common reaction could have so many benefits!

    Stimulate Oxygen and Blood Flow– Just through laughing alone, you take in more oxygen than average. The increase of oxygen can improve blood flow from the heart to other parts of the body, hence stimulating better circulation and organ production.

    Improve Immune System– Laughs and giggles can boost your immune system functions and enhance your disease resistance. Your body releases more antibodies and neuropeptides from the brain that helps combat stress hormones and illnesses.

    Relieves Pain and Tension– Distractions are best when you need to alleviate pain and muscle tension. That’s why doctors may add humor to distract patients before a shot or during recovery. Having a good laugh can release muscle tension for up to 45 minutes and let you tolerate pain longer.

    Boosts your Mood– Laughter not only has a positive effect on your mood but can relieve stress. It increases the endorphins in your body that can raise your level of happiness and well-being. These “feel-good” chemicals help diffuse any negative feelings that you may have felt prior, such as anger or sadness.

    Help Heart Health– Your cardiac health can become stronger by having a few chuckles. Your heart rate increases, and blood pressure decreases which can overall improve vascular function. The body’s blood vessels become dilated so blood can flow better, therefore reducing the build-up of fat and cholesterol in the arteries.

    Exercises Lungs and Muscles– Ever ached after laughing too hard? Through the movement of your lungs expanding and contracting, your body can transmit more oxygen. Also, your muscles are able to get a workout, especially those that are not used as often, such as the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.

    Here at Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, our community is full of laughs and smiling faces. We strive to make our residents happy and healthy. Visit our website and schedule a tour today and see why we are the best choice for your senior.

    The Need for Vitamin D in Seniors

    The need for Vitamin D in seniors is more important than ever. It is essential for the body’s function and is more than just another supplement to take. As spring weather is blooming, it is the perfect time to increase your intake of this nutrient, especially since you can never have too much Vitamin D!

    Why do I need Vitamin D?

    • It’s essential for bone health and the absorption of calcium. Without it, your body would only be able to absorb up to 15% of calcium. These two combined can help your bone health and lower your risk for diseases like osteoporosis and osteomalacia. This is especially critical for seniors because bones weaken over time, and Vitamin D absorption can slow the process.
    • Through having the recommended amount of Vitamin D, your overall bodily functions improve. The body can’t absorb the necessary compounds it needs for maintaining health. Without it, the bloodstream can’t absorb as many nutrients like phosphorous or magnesium.
    • Vitamin D can decrease your risk for infections, diseases, and cancers. It helps protect your teeth against gum disease and tooth decay. It has an important role in the body for maintaining cell growth which can reduce the number of cancer cells.

    How can I get Vitamin D?

    • Go outside and enjoy the spring weather, all while soaking up the sun. Going for a walk in the area or take indoor activities from inside to outside. Getting outside of the house allows the sunlight to promote Vitamin D production in your skin. Vitamin D produced depends on melanin present and how much skin is exposed to the sun. It is important to maintain skin protection with sunscreen to lower the risk of developing skin cancer.
    • If your loved one can’t go outside as much as recommended, there are food alternatives that can be a wonderful source of Vitamin D. Tuna, orange juice, cooked salmon, and even mushrooms are high in Vitamin D. Taking supplements like D2 or cod liver oil may be an option for your senior but there are some medications that may affect the amount of Vitamin D needed, so it is best to talk to a doctor first.

    At Evergreen Senior Living, we make sure your loved one is meeting all their health needs. Our beautiful campus and selection of meals provide many opportunities for seniors to receive Vitamin D. Call today or visit our website to learn more about our campus and caregivers.