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When Is the Right Time for Assisted Living?

As we get older, some of the day-to-day tasks that we once did can become challenging for us. There may come a time when your loved one can no longer live independently. It may be difficult to watch someone who used to take care of you not able to care for themselves. As much as you would love to be their caregiver, it’s not always possible. Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park is a perfect middle ground. Our caring team ensures your loved one is in a positive, safe, and reliable environment while you can rest assured they are in great hands.

Many signs may indicate that assisted living is the right choice for the senior in your life.

Isolation is a common and serious problem in the senior population. According to the U.S. Census, more than 11 million seniors live alone, which can affect seniors’ overall health. The last thing we want is for seniors to stop participating in the activities they love or connecting with their loved ones. If your loved one stops enjoying hobbies, isn’t happy and lively like they once were, or doesn’t want to interact, it may be time for assisted living. Evergreen Senior Living provides numerous opportunities for your senior to get back to doing the hobbies and activities they once loved!

Believe it or not, living in a clean environment can also affect your senior’s mood. If your senior lacks the motivation to sweep their floors, cook healthy meals, or do laundry, they may soon stop caring for themselves. If you notice any of these changes, assisted living is a great option to discuss with your loved one. At Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we do our seniors’ laundry, prepare delicious meals, and clean our residents’ apartments for them.

Together with your senior, make a decision that is best for them. Schedule a tour and see how Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park offers the best team, community, and care for your senior.

Dementia and Grief Support Group

Having someone you love affected by dementia or Alzheimer’s can impact you and many others who care for your loved one. It can take a toll on your physical and emotional health. If you’ve had someone special in your life that has been affected by dementia or Alzheimer’s, Evergreen Senior Living Orland Park welcomes you to our dementia and grief support group. Our support group is designed to offer you the comfort and support you may need as you go through a difficult time. This specific support group allows you to:

Share Your Experiences: Talk through your personal experiences and feelings with a group who can relate to you or has experienced the same things you have.

Talk About the Effects: Express to others how this change has affected you and your family.

Acquire Resources – Gain community connections to be an advocate for yourself and your loved one.

Get Advice: Hear from experts about the best way to cope when times get tough.

Ask Questions: Explore various approaches to best communicate with your loved one effectively.

Have Time to Yourself: This support group is also designed to help you relax and find comfort in your neighbors.

Joining a new support group can sometimes make one nervous about sharing personal experiences with people you don’t know! Sometimes you can benefit by simply listening to others, and over time, you’ll find yourself contributing your thoughts and ideas.

Whether you want to feel less lonely, reduce stress, improve skills to cope with challenges, or talk openly about your feelings, our dementia and grief support group is here for you at no cost. Please join us on the third Thursday of each month at 6 pm in our chapel on the Evergreen Senior Living campus. This support group is led by Anna Walters, RN from Compassionate Care Hospice. For more information about our support group, please contact us at (709) 479-1092.

Emotional Benefits of Exercise for Seniors

When you think about the benefits of exercising, what do you think of? Is it becoming more limber? Is it staying in shape? Or just flat out keeping you active? Although all of these are correct and great benefits of exercising, there are many more benefits that go beyond the physical.

An essential benefit of exercise includes emotional well-being. Physical activities like walking, biking, yoga, and dancing can help your seniors reduce feelings of stress and depression because of the release of serotonin. Regular exercise is essential for seniors as it helps maintain the level of brain chemicals, decreases mood disorder symptoms, reduces stress, and gives a feeling of calmness and relaxation.

Recent studies show that inactivity increases the chances of dementia among seniors. Regular exercise increases the blood flow to the brain, which keeps the cells healthy. Exercise increases the production of brain chemicals and growth factors. This increase helps keep existing cells healthy and grow new brain cells, increasing memory.

Seniors tend to experience a lack of sleep. A great way for your senior to improve their sleep quality can be exercising! Physical activity increases the time of deep sleep, which further helps in boosting the immune system and controlling anxiety and stress. Moreover, exercise requires an output of energy, which makes you feel tired, and results in longer and more peaceful sleep.

Seniors are at a higher risk of falls than younger adults. Exercising reduces the risk of falling by building a better bone density, making bones stronger. Exercising also improves balance and coordination.

Exercising can also help your seniors feel happier overall! When you exercise, your body stimulates the hormone dopamine in our brains, releasing the feeling of being happy. Studies show that as we get older, the dopamine levels in our brains decrease. Exercising is a great way to boost that dopamine hormone!

Schedule a tour at Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park to experience the unique ways we help our seniors exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a positive mindset, and a happy life.

How Aging of the Brain Affects Thinking

Think about all the cognitive functions your brain controls; decision-making, planning, remembering, organizing, categorizing, etc. These abilities not only play a huge role in our day-to-day lives, but they determine whether we can live independently. Our brain may reveal everything from minute changes to a decline in memory and cognitive abilities as we get older. But believe it or not, there are some positive cognitive changes as well.

Changes in the brain are very common as we age. Certain parts of the brain shrink, especially parts that are crucial in learning new skills. In some brain regions, communications between nerve cells may not be as effective as they used to be. In many cases, blood flow in the brain may also decrease. All these changes affect mental functions for your senior’s day-to-day tasks. On the positive side, there are cognitive super-agers, seniors in their 80s and 90s with memory performance comparable to people in their 20s! These seniors defy the common assumption that cognitive decline goes hand-in-hand with aging.

Some positive cognitive changes include an extensive collective vocabulary and more knowledge of the depth of meaning of words than younger people. Seniors have gathered a lot of information and knowledge over the years that they can share with others. As you get older, you tend to focus more on positive things, becoming better at remembering positive memories.

Although it is great that our brains can change positively as we age, it is also good to remember the different ways to help your brain remain healthy and stay in that positive state. There are many activities one can participate in that help maintain healthy cognition.

  • Read books and magazines
  • Play games
  • Take a class
  • Learn a new skill or hobby

At Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we understand the different changes in the aging human brain and the brain-stimulating activities that help our residents maintain healthy cognition. Our caring team understands the correct way to care for each and every resident. Schedule a tour today and see for yourself.

Tips to Remember when Talking to Those with Dementia

Communication can be challenging when talking to a loved one with dementia. How you communicate with your loved one is very important, the goal being to confuse them as little as possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind when talking to your loved one with dementia.

Phrases to avoid

Many phrases are used frequently in our day-to-day conversations that we may not think are harmful but can be challenging for those with dementia. For example, the phrase “Do you remember…” can lead to embarrassment. Your senior doesn’t want to tell you they have forgotten a memory, especially a meaningful one. Asking a senior with dementia if they remember something will bring more sadness to their insecurity about having dementia. Instead, use the phrase “I remember when” to avoid putting pressure on your senior by not asking them a question directly about memory.

Another phrase to avoid, “As I already said…” When talking to someone with dementia, you will often repeat yourself, but you don’t want your senior to feel embarrassed, and you don’t want them to know you have repeated yourself already. Other phrases like “I already told you” only reminds your senior of their struggle. Instead of saying those phrases, kindly repeat yourself.

Be direct

You don’t want to be too vague, so it is important to be specific with your words. For example, avoid using general pronouns like he, she, or they or vague terms such as that and those. Instead, be specific and say, “Jack bought a car,” and “the spoon is under the napkin on the counter.” Dementia makes it difficult for seniors to follow conversations like they once did, so it is key to use short sentences, speak clearly, and give them your full attention.

Don’t offer too much help

Seniors want to feel independent. We understand that you want to help your loved one as much as possible. Find that even balance of helping your senior and knowing when it’s too much help. We don’t want our seniors to feel like they are no longer competent.

At The Legacy: Memory Support, our care for seniors with dementia is unmatched. Schedule a tour to learn more about all the different memory care activities we provide for our amazing residents.

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summertime is such a great time of year! The sun is shining, the weather is great, and you can finally engage in some of your favorite outdoor activities! However, with higher temperatures, and extra sunshine, we want to help you and your loved ones to have a fun and safe summer!

It is important for seniors to take extra care in conducting themselves outdoors under the hot summer sun. There are very simple tips to follow to help you and your loved one enjoy these summer months without worry.

Try to stay in a cool environment. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are very common in seniors. Note that it is important not to stay out in the sun for more than two hours at a time.

Know early signs of heat-related illnesses. Take immediate action if you notice your loved one having headaches, dry skin, nausea, fever, dizziness, or excessive tiredness during or after being in the sun. Take them indoors to a cool place along with some water.

Wear sunscreen. Many prescription medications make skin more sensitive to the sun. Applying and reapplying sunscreen with an SPF of 20 or higher will help reduce the chances of getting sunburnt.

Stay hydrated. It is a fact that seniors naturally feel less thirsty than younger people. With that being said, it is crucial that seniors drink more water than usual, especially if they are out in the sun, to avoid dehydration.

Dress appropriately. Wearing loose-fitting clothes will help your loved one stay cool this summer. Wearing fabrics like cotton helps regulate your body’s temperature.

Wear sunglasses. Since seniors are more susceptible to vision loss, it is important that they protect their eyes from UV rays and wear protective eyewear.

Keeping these summer safety tips in mind will minimize risk and help your senior have a summer full of safe and fun events. Find out how Evergreen Senior Living in Normal helps our residents have the best summer by calling or scheduling a tour today!

Brain Stimulating Activities for Seniors

As we get older, cognitive function can decline, making it hard for our brain to recall information and memories. Learning, decision-making, problem-solving, and attention all become more challenging. Losing sight of these skills can make it hard for our loved ones to go about their day-to-day routine. Luckily our brains are like muscles and can be strengthened to regain some of those skills. Here are some ways your loved ones can get back to doing the activities they love.

1. Physical Exercise
Keeping your body in shape helps your brain stay in shape! Something as simple as a nature walk can relax the mind. Going on walks also allows for socialization with others which is super beneficial.

Indoor exercises are great for the mind as well! Some indoor exercises that Evergreen Senior Living offers include dancing, yoga, and group exercise classes!

2. Socialization
As mentioned above, socialization stimulates our minds in the best way. Socializing enables people to practice their communication skills, think critically, memory recall, and many other benefits! At Evergreen in Normal, we range from concerts to volunteer opportunities for our seniors to be social!

3. Brain Games
Not only are these games fun, but they can enable your mental processes to become clearer and keep your mind focused. Games like trivia can stimulate recall skills associated with memory. Jigsaw puzzles are great for problem-solving skills! Crossword puzzles involve critical thinking and memory! Card games like rummy, bridge, and solitaire encourage social interaction while stimulating the brain! These games are also good for a friendly competition!

4. Meditation
Many studies have highlighted the positive effects of meditation on conditions like depression, anxiety, diabetes, chronic pain, and high blood pressure. Some activities such as nature walks, yoga, or stretching are great ways to relieve stress and give a sense of mindfulness.

Keeping the brain active can be done in many unique and fun ways. The care we provide here at Evergreen Senior Living Orland Park is designed to lead to a higher sense of well-being. Learn more about Evergreen Senior Living’s memory care activities by visiting our site or scheduling a tour today.

Springtime Activities for Seniors

Younger generations are not the only ones who get spring fever. People of all ages enjoy the fresh new flowers, sunshine, and those sweet fresh scents of growing things! Spring is a time of rejuvenation and rebirth. There are many springtime activities that are perfect for seniors. Whether your loved one prefers indoor or outsides activities, there are a range of options to choose from that fit their physical activity level.

Go for a walk. Now that winter is almost over, it is time to go outside and feel that fresh air. There are plenty of parks and trails around the Orland Park area that are easily accessible for seniors who have limited mobility. Find one that would be a great fit for your senior loved one.

Have fun with the grandkids. Spring is a great time for seniors to participate in fun activities with their grandchildren! They could fly a kite together, drawing on the sidewalk with chalk, blowing bubbles, and even making paper planes to see whose plane goes the furthest!

Spring cleaning. A clean home gives us a sense of refreshment, especially after winter! Help renew your senior’s mind with a clutter-free, clean environment! This is also a great light exercise.

Nice picnic in the park. Grab some snacks, a blanket, and find a nice green patch to sit on! Picnics are a great way for seniors to get some vitamin D (but don’t forget the sunscreen!) and enjoy a nice meal with the people they love.

Visit a local farmers market. Pick out a recipe with your senior and head to the farmer’s market! Select some fresh fruits and vegetables that complement your recipe. Make an afternoon of cooking some delicious foods and maybe even participating in some arts and crafts you may have found when wandering. Not only does a farmer’s market have great fresh produce, but it is also a great way for your senior to get some friendly interactions!

At Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we encourage seniors to engage in outside and indoor activities! We have lovely outdoor spaces with fresh, comfortable seating and lovely views. And our life enrichment team plans all sorts of inside events to keep our seniors involved. Call or schedule a tour today to learn about the different activities we offer for our wonderful residents.

Best Diets for Seniors to Stay Healthy!

Proper diet and a healthy life go hand in hand, especially for adults over 65. According to reports by World Health Organization (WHO), most of the diseases that older people suffer are a result of a lack of proper diet. For example, bad fat in food is linked to prostate cancer, colon cancer, and pancreas cancer. We want to help our seniors and those in our community stay on a healthy diet!

Foods High in Omega-3

Fatty acids are very important for all ages, specifically seniors. Evidence has shown that intaking fatty acids reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and even heart disease! You can find these fatty acids in fish like tuna or salmon. Omega-3 can also be found in non-seafoods like soybeans, canola oil, walnuts, and flaxseed!


Calcium also plays a very important role in our diet. It helps keep our bones strong and lowers blood pressure. Studies show that as we get older, we consume less calcium. If your body does not receive the proper amount of calcium it needs, it begins to reabsorb calcium from the bones. When our bodies do that, that causes our bones to be brittle and fragile. Foods rich in calcium are the obvious milk, yogurt, and cheese, but calcium can also be found in leafy green vegetables!


Fiber is great for reducing the risk of heart disease. Fiber helps proper digestion by moving food through the digestive tract. This is especially important because our digestive system slows down as we get older. Foods rich in fiber include brown rice, fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain bread/pasta!


Last but certainly not least, water! All adults should be drinking eight glasses of water a day. As you get older, your body stops telling you that it is thirsty. However, you still need to drink water! One tip that helps you drink water includes putting water in a small container and refilling it often, rather than one huge jug of water. That can make one feel overwhelmed!

At Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park, we care about the health and wellness of our residents. Check out the different dining options we provide for our seniors by scheduling a tour through our website! 

What to Look for in a Senior Living Community

Finding a senior living community for your loved one can sometimes be overwhelming. You might not be sure what to look for or focus on. There are many factors to consider when looking at senior living communities with your loved one. You want to know what services are offered, or what amenities, maybe even social activities! Whatever you are curious about, we have the answer for you.

Knowing what services are offered is very important when choosing a home for your senior. You want to make sure your loved one is getting the care they need. Our staff ensures that all the needs are met for each senior based on their level of independence. Caring for our seniors is what we do best, and we want to support them any way we can. 

Different services that we offer here at Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park include:

  • Routine medication management
  • Discreet personal assistance
  • Respite care
  • Housekeeping services
  • Laundry services
  • Senior-friendly transportation
  • 24-hour nursing care is available if assistance is needed

Active, socially engaging communities help seniors retain their health and provide a general sense of purpose and fulfillment, which is why social activities are so important. We encourage our seniors to engage and participate in activities they love and help them find new hobbies they enjoy. Most importantly, we have a range of activities, so everyone can find something they love to do. Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park includes many activities that involve being social like:

  • Sit & Be Fit – Focuses on physical health!
  • Maintain Your Brain – Games, and activities that stimulate the brain!
  • Spirituality – Connect with those with similar interests at Bible study or church service!
  • Artistic Inspiration – A new hobby that you didn’t even know you liked to do!
  • Community Events – Engaging with the community and a great way to make a new friend!
  • Social Outings – Enjoying the activities you love doing or watching with people of similar interest!

Evergreen Senior Living in Orland Park has a wide variety of amenities on our campus that include:

  • Chef-prepared meals
  • Private dining room for family gatherings
  • Renew day spa
  • Neighborhood gathering spaces for visiting and playing games
  • Family rooms and lounges that are filled with friendship and laughter
  • A community center for sharing stories and recipes
  • And many more!

Our campus is designed for seniors to do what they love; live in a safe environment and have the best care. If you have any questions about our community, please feel free to call us or contact us through our website at www.evergreenslc.com/orlandpark